Okay, Warriors, so you’ve planted yourself some turfgrass. Good job. Now, how do you maintain it? Well, stand at ease and listen up. I don't want you to have a soup sandwich for a lawn. So, I got your 6 with regard to caring for your new or improved lawn. Can I get a Hooah from anyone out there? Or, at least a HUA (Heard, Understood & Acknowledged)? If you get sleepy during any of my briefings, go stand up in the back of the auditorium.
I'm not sure how I'm going to blog this topic just yet. I'll just commence blogging operations and see how it goes. I guess I'll keep adding to this post until I run out of things to say about this very important topic - things to say about MOWING!
Mowing is not taken seriously. It is a critical, mission essential task. Mowing affects all components of turfgrass quality: texture, density, color, uniformity and smoothness. Mowing also affects the physiology. Most of the photosynthetic process takes place in the leaves. When you cut the leaves, carbohydrate production and storage are reduced. When you lower your cutting height, you can increase the number and growth of shoots. Yet, by lowering the cutting height, you reduce the photosynthetic area and root growth will be decreased. Shoots have priority over roots for available carbohydrates. So, lower heights produce shallower root systems. Deep, thick root systems are necessary for survivability during times of environmental stress.
You want Turfgrass Dedication, Stimulation and Motivation? Check out these Warriors:

The turfgrass patch to the left was located at the USAF Base at Al Udeid in Doha, Qatar. Not bad for what looks like a cool season turfgrass in 135+ degree F summers.
The Turfgrass Warrior here is WO1 Brook Turner mowing (Well, cutting w/ scissors...) his turfgrass at a FOB (Forward Operating Base) north of Baghdad in 2004.
If these Turfgrass Warriors can do it in the desert, you can do it in CONUS. Somebody get me my box of medals!