Aug 11, 2016
Tree Cavities
In this blog post, I’m going to put my arborist hat on again. I’m going to discuss something that I’m sure just about everyone has seen;...
Jan 28, 2016
Tools and Equipment – Mine and Yours
I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. I want to post some pictures of my equipment, machines and tools I use for having the best...
Jan 27, 2016
Fall Leaf Removal
In much of my service area, here in the mid-Atlantic region, there are many “old growth” trees. The term old growth is kind of an...
Jul 19, 2015
Native, Alien and Invasive Plants
I always advise my customers to use “native” plants in their landscapes. Nothing makes me crazier than when a customer wants to use some...
May 5, 2015
Wild Onion & Wild Garlic
In the early spring here in the mid-Atlantic region, I started to see some common weed activity. What is very visible this time of year...
Feb 2, 2015
Wetting Agents
Here’s another “high tech” blog post. Like my last blog post, this topic may be out of reach for the standard turfgrass warrior. But...
Jan 4, 2015
This blog post may be somewhat “high tech”, or, as a minimum, a little odd. I don’t think it is one of your more common turf topics. ...
Nov 3, 2014
High Traffic Areas
Do you have an area of your lawn where personnel are constantly walking? Maybe not just personnel, but you also have equipment going...
Aug 28, 2014
Poison Ivy
I've been running into a fairly significant problem this summer. I've encountered a great deal of POISON IVY (Toxicodendron...
Jul 29, 2014
Tree Care for Turfgrass Warriors
This goes back to what I said in my “Heat Tolerance” and my “Shade Tolerance” blog posts. This is where the age old conflict between...
Jul 22, 2014
Some of you out there may already be aware that I got my horticulture credentials in January of this year (2014). This is in an effort...
Jul 22, 2014
Some "After" Pictures
I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures of customers' yards AFTER Tuomey Turfgrass has provided the appropriate...
Jul 1, 2014
Shade Tolerance
Face the facts. There is no turf that is 100% shade tolerant, meaning turfgrass will not grow in a “dense”, “full” or “heavy” shaded...
Jun 3, 2014
Cold Tolerance
One big difference between heat stress and cold stress is cold stress can have an impact on warm season turfs AND cool season turfs. ...
May 8, 2014
Heat Tolerance
Here in the CONUS turfgrass transition zone (See my blog post on “Turfgrass Adaptation”.) the conditions are lousy for cool season turf...
Apr 2, 2014
How Turfgrass Benefits Us and Our Planet
Turfgrass Warriors, There are many positive aspects of growing quality turfgrass. Not just the aesthetics or bragging rights….although...
Oct 10, 2013
Ducks Unlimited
Tuomey Turfgrass Consulting, LLC, is a proud sponsor of Ducks Unlimited. Ducks Unlimited is the world's leader in wetlands and waterfowl...
Sep 12, 2013
In this blog post, I’ll be discussing PESTICIDES. I’ve referred to pesticides at various times throughout this blog. But, I’ve never...
Sep 9, 2013
Memberships & Certifications
Tuomey Turfgrass Consulting is a proud member of these fine organizations: NALP (National Association of Landscape Professionals) is the...
Jun 1, 2013
Turfgrass Diseases
In this section, I will be discussing turfgrass diseases. I understand your average turfgrass warrior may not have the training or...
Apr 15, 2013
Leadership By Example
John Quincy Adams once said, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." (The...
Mar 15, 2013
Troops, let's talk about watering your turfgrass. As in mowing, I said, "High and slow." With watering, it is "Deeply and...
Mar 8, 2013
More on Mowing....
Let me say a few more things about mowing....first....Cutting Height How high should you cut your grass? Well, five factors determine...
Mar 6, 2013
Turfgrass Insects
I want to expand this section on turfgrass insects. If you refer back to one of my earlier categories – “Lawns We Are Working On” – you...
Mar 3, 2013
Lawns We Are Working On.......
In this section, I am going to discuss some lawns that I have had the honor to visit since I started this business. I'm keeping my...
Feb 28, 2013
Maintenance - Mowing
Okay, Warriors, so you’ve planted yourself some turfgrass. Good job. Now, how do you maintain it? Well, stand at ease and listen up. ...
Feb 25, 2013
More on Establishment
Troops, here's some more thoughts on establishment. But first, I forgot to mention how important it is to get your soil tested. I will...
Feb 16, 2013
Greetings, Turfgrass Warriors. Here are some considerations for turfgrass establishment. First, you need to identify where you want...
Feb 5, 2013
Turfgrass Physiology
At ease. Carry on. In the 6th century B.C., chinese general and military strategist Sun Tzu said, "...that if you know your enemies and...
Feb 5, 2013
Turfgrass Adaptation
Okay, Troops. So, you've gone out and learned some more about your turf. You've learned how your turf is going to react under certain...
Feb 4, 2013
As a retired Army officer, I have always had a knack for leadership, even in the toughest of conditions. And, I have always had an...